News Update May 2024

News Update May 2024

Following an extremely stimulating research trip to Orkney in the autumn of 2023 my fascination with the movement of the sea and its’ ever shifting boundaries has continued. I find enduring interest in exploring the elemental power of edge lines and the inscriptions...
News Update June 2023

News Update June 2023

After a tricky few years I’m very pleased to now be back in my studio enjoying making work and experimenting. Here are some details of forthcoming exhibitions:   Tatha Gallery 8th July to 26th August 2023 My love of elemental subjects continues and I am...
Post Pandemic News

Post Pandemic News

In common with many people, for me the last few years have been dominated by the pandemic. As we emerged from successive lockdowns and I was able to return to my studio I embarked on a series of pieces about the loss of sea ice in the artic. Working on the ephemeral...